
2 Important APPs you should use if you want to develop business in China

Dear all not-Chinese friends,
I would start this article with your most familiar APPs: Facebook & Whatsapp.
Almost every body in English-speaking country has a Facebook account, and share things happens in their lives, people can chat on Facebook, can post words, photos & videos on Facebook, simple but with strong comprehensiveness. And this APP launched in 2004.
Meanwhile, actually, earlier in 1999, in China, there is a company called Tencent, they developed a great APP - QQ, yes this is a very adorable penguin, also a very powerful one, it help people more convenient with communicating, and sharing everything, QQ and QQzone were so popular in my Middle-school time, when I was a teenager, everybody was showing off about there QQ grade...can not speak more about this, otherwise this article will go to be a BOOK..
And this was the Age of PC, all happens so fast because computer get into people's life so quickly and totally.
Goes to 2009, a genius guy developed "Whatsapp" More convenient for cell phone communication, somebody who may not reply on Facebook, but he will reply on Whatsapp, as Whatsapp bounding with a mobile phone number, is more commercial, and simply focus on chatting, cut the garish posting thing, especially businessmen, prefer this simple APP, help them to communicate quickly and efficiently.
In China, QQ (Tencent) thrived outshine others over a decade! Untill this same company developed another APP which is similar with Whatsapp, called Wechat, it suddenly went to be extreme popular, at that time, I was in colleague, and still using my Nokia phone :D.
 This was the Age of Smart phone, all happens fast (not for me, I was a college students, and did many part-time job to save for a computer, and got "Betrayed" by Smart phone when I finally have my own Laptop, haha)
Ok, Back to my subject, you know how Chinese always work so hard, when they want to do business with world, they will try everything to get approach to people of the world. So we learn your language, your history, your culture, not surprising, we use your APPs, we use Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Linkedin, what you guys do, we do (Do not ask how we can use Facebook and Google in China :o) I think this is why Chinese know much more and well about Western, than Western know about China.
Do you ever have the confusion that, with this Chinese guy you have been dealing with for years, you know less about this man, you know less about the situation, the culture, the values... so many things you do not know.
Well, maybe you don't have much time to know our Language, our history, our culture etc, but you can quickly and efficiently know about the man you are dealing with, ask for his QQ number and Wechat account (cell phone NO.) You will find a world of him, the past, the present and the future.
I wish you find a brilliant world there, enjoy!
My QQ: 632889375
My Wechat: cici199009

